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Eco3 VISTA members have the opportunity to participate in trainings and professional development throughout service to build skills and gain knowledge. Outlined below is the Eco3 VISTA Program training plan, and training modules to facilitate growth during service.

Training Plan

Every other month there are required in-person trainings called All VISTA Meetings (AVMs). On the months where there are no AVMs members should complete three trainings from the list below, some of these are required trainings. Members can complete the trainings at their own pace and self-select optional trainings that best fit their interest and needs of their position during service.

When you complete a training from the lists below, click on ‘report completion’ for that specific training. If you complete a training not in the lists below (such as the AVMs, a host site in-person training, conference training, or other online training) report it using this the button below.

Completed Trainings 

The following table consists of all of the trainings you have reported.

If you are experiencing issues with accessing or reporting trainings please contact Laec at