Application Deadline is December 30th, 2019 at noon

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Mini-Grant Program Description and Purpose

Ecolibrium3 is administering a mini-grant program to perform activities related to housing-based health threats in Minnesota. Funding for mini-grants is provided by the Minnesota Department of Health Lead and Healthy Home Program. Fifteen $2,000 grants are available and will reflect a portfolio approach to ensure diversity of program areas, geography, and target populations. The mini-grant program can support:

  • Implementing and maintaining primary prevention programs to reduce housing-based health threats that include the following:
      • – Providing education materials to the general public and to property owners, contractors, code officials, and other persons and organizations engaged in housing and health issues.
      • – Promoting awareness of community, legal, and housing resources.
      • – Promoting the use of hazard reduction measures in new housing construction and housing rehabilitation programs.
  • Providing training on identifying and addressing housing-based health threats.
  • Providing technical assistance on the implementation of mitigation measures.
  • Promoting the adoption of evidence-based best practices for the mitigation of housing-based health threats.
  • Developing work practices for addressing specific housing-based health threats.
  • Identifying, characterizing, and mitigating hazards in housing that contribute to adverse health outcomes.
  • Ensuring that screening services and other secondary prevention measures are provided to populations at high risk for housing-related health threats.
  • Promoting compliance with Department of Health guidelines and other best practices, for preventing or reducing housing-based health threats.
  • Establishing local or regional collaborative groups to ensure that resources for addressing housing-based health threats are coordinated.
  • Developing model programs for addressing housing–based health threats.

Grant Timeline

Round Application Deadline (Due by noon Central) Performance Period Final Report Due
Final December 30, 2019 January 1 – May 31, 2020 June 12, 2020

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants are community health boards, community action agencies, governmental agencies, and 501(c)3 organizations with current IRS determination letters.

Application Process

Applicants must complete the MN Healthy Housing Mini-Grant Application and provide required attachments via the webform by noon Central time on the due date. Applications without the required elements will not be considered for an award.  Applications will be scored based on the quality of the responses and need to provide diversity within the Areas of Work (define below). Awarded projects from each round, the Areas of Work, and case studies will be maintained at All reviewers will complete and sign conflict of interest disclosure forms. All applicants will be notified of selection/non-selection in writing.

Selection Criteria

Required for Scoring:

  • Application
  • Affirmations
  • W-9
  • IRS Determination Letter, if 501(c)3 nonprofit


Scoring Breakdown:

Organizational Expertise- 10 pts

Approach- 15 pts

Anticipated Impact- 15 pts

Quality of Application- 10 pts

Cost Reasonableness- 10 pts

Grant Outcome Expectations and Reporting Requirements

Grantees will have five months to complete the mini-grant work. A final report will be required 12 days after the completion of the grant performance period as outlined in the grant timeline. Grantees will work with Ecolibrium3 staff to develop a case study on the work performed under the grant. Case studies will be distributed publically through multiple channels.


All questions on the mini-grant process shall be directed to Jodi Slick at or via phone at 218-336-1038.

Eligible Projects (Areas of Work)

Please note any specific information that should be addressed in the application for the Area of Work you select.

  1. Healthy Homes Assessments and Interventions
    • Assessments should establish a comprehensive system for identifying housing-based health threats and preparing recommendations for mitigation (i.e. healthy homes check-list, HUD Healthy Homes Rating Systems). Interventions may include educational materials, direct installations, data collection on factors barring completion of healthy homes assessments and interventions, or follow-up visits, etc. Clear information on interventions and costs should be presented in application.
  1. Primary Prevention
    • Primary prevention is defined as actions preventing exposure to housing-based health threats before critical symptoms or diagnosis. Sample activities include providing educational materials to the general public, professionals, or organizations, promoting hazard reduction measures in housing programs, promoting awareness of community, legal, and housing resources, or educating landlords/tenants on benefits of smoke free facilities.
  1. Training and Technical Assistance
    • Training and technical assistance may be provided to the general public, contractors, public health workers, health care providers, housing professionals, etc. Technical assistance is targeted to professionals, not general audiences.
  1. Developing Evidence-Based Best Practices
    • While effective interventions exist for a number of housing-based health threats (e.g. lead, asthma, radon), additional work is needed to ensure resources are used for the greatest health benefit. Work under this focus area can include developing protocols for assessment tool deployment, validating methods of identifying hazards, best-practice research, etc.
  1. Community Engagement and Education
    • Activities may include tabling at community events, developing and deploying outreach materials, working with schools, or planning and implementing lead screenings or healthy homes presentations. To the greatest extent practicable, efforts in communities should educate people and organizations on health equity.
  1. Coordination with Health Care/Secondary Prevention
    • Secondary prevention is an intervention to mitigate health effects on people with housing-based health threats. In addition to providing health screening services, grantees may engage health care providers to assess and implement methods for coordinating response to medical issues stemming from housing-based health threats including. These methods may include: conducting blood lead testing on individuals at risk; coordinating with health care providers to assess and mitigate issues; or activities to promote better understanding between health care and environmental health professionals.
  1. Strategic Planning/Capacity Building
    • Establish, improve, or maintain a healthy homes network that meets routinely and consists of professional staff working in the sector, residents, voluntary and professional organizations, and community and faith-based organizations. Goals and structure of the network should be noted in the application.

Case Study - Lincoln Park Children and Families Collaborative

Case Study - Wright County