New Staff Feature: Adam Kurowksi

Adam looks over architecture plans and notes.
Adam digs into plans for Legacy House and other projects.

Ecolibrium3 is pleased to welcome our newest staff member, Adam Kurowski. Adam joins our staff as Community and Energy Projects Manager. In this role, Adam will be acting as project manager for construction at Legacy House, the Lincoln Park grocery store, and the updates to the Lincoln Park Community Center. 

Adam brings a vast array of skills to our team. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Geography with a Minor in Earth Science from Plymouth State University. He completed his Master’s studies at Ohio University, focusing on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Urban Planning. (GIS is a computer system that analyzes data in relation to geography; in other words, very detailed and customizable map-making.) Adam also holds a GIS Professional certification. He has a decade of local government experience under his belt, working with many divisions of government to design, build, and manage multi-dimensional projects and improve business practices. In his work with local governments, Adam developed GIS databases, maps, and online tools to enhance place-based understanding and decision making. Adam also has several years of experience with multiple nonprofits that are working to bring new opportunities to historically underserved communities. He is pleased to be able to join Ecolibrium3 in bringing equity-building opportunities to Lincoln Park through projects that will provide ongoing benefits for years to come.

Adam loves weekend trips to find solitude and beautiful views in his van with his life partner and travel cat. He enjoys discovering plants, learning about the local geology, and envisioning how the powers of nature shaped the landscape. This winter, Adam is looking forward to finding ways to stay active while exploring all that Duluth has to offer, like cross country skiing, local bowling alleys, and simulator golf. Welcome, Adam!