Duluth Citizens' Climate Action Plan

The Duluth Citizens’ Climate Action Plan (Duluth CCAP) is a citizen-led effort to inspire community-wide action to reduce Duluth’s greenhouse gas emissions and envision a future for Duluth that is sustainable and equitable.

In June 2018, the City of Duluth adopted a goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050 as part of its Imagine Duluth 2035 Comprehensive Plan. However, City emissions are only 4% of community-wide emissions in Duluth. The Duluth CCAP is an effort to spread this goal community wide. Together we can reduce our community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050—that is over 2 million tons of GHG emissions, or 25 tons per citizen. 

Get involved

Now that you’ve learned more, the best way to create change is by getting involved! Donate your money or time, find support, and take action. Citizen climate action means a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Duluth!

Explore the Duluth Citizens’ Climate Action Plan through the blue menu items above.