RE-AMP Network’s Guiding Principles for Equitable Deep Decarbonization

RE-AMP is a network of over 130 organizations in the Upper Midwest working collaboratively on climate solutions. It’s goal is to equitably eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050.

RE-AMP Network’s Guiding Principles for Equitable Deep Decarbonization are:

  1. Center equity, inclusivity, justice, and healing
  2. Prioritize local ownership of process and outcomes
  3. Leverage systemic change
  4. Establish holistic, ambitious, and credible intermediate steps for equitably eliminating
    greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050
  5. Promote regeneration through responses to a changing climate

Get involved

Now that you’ve learned more, the best way to create change is by getting involved! Donate your money or time, find support, and take action. Citizen climate action means a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Duluth!

Learn more about RE-AMP Network’s Guiding Principles for Equitable Deep Decarbonization.