Izaak Walton League, McCabe Chapter

The Izaak Walton League is a grassroots environmental organization focused on protecting the natural resources of Duluth and the Northern Midwest region. Duluth’s original Izaak Walton League chapter was founded in 1922 and was one of the first ecological protection groups in the country. In the 1960s a new chapter was formed and named the McCabe Chapter. The members of this organization call themselves the “defenders of soil, air, woods, water, and wildlife” and are committed to protecting state forests, parks, and natural resources. 

The chapter hosts monthly programs, educational activities, and many community events to encourage active participation in Duluthians.

Get involved

Now that you’ve learned more, the best way to create change is by getting involved! Donate your money or time, find support, and take action. Citizen climate action means a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Duluth!

Learn more and get involved with the McCabe Chapter of the Izaak Walton League.