Minnesota Bicycling Handbook

The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota (BikeMN), formed in 2008, is a membership organization dedicated to uniting and strengthening bicycle advocacy, providing education, and working towards a more bicycle friendly Minnesota. 

The Minnesota Bicycling Handbook, published by BikeMN, is meant to help bicyclists use Minnesota’s roads and trails safely and enjoyably. Topics in the handbook include safety equipment, guide to buying a bicycle, rules for paths and trails, and Minnesota bike law FAQ, as well as many more.

By increasing the safety and spread of bicycle riding, the amount of cars on the road is reduced, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel reliance, and air pollution.

Get involved

Now that you’ve learned more, the best way to create change is by getting involved! Donate your money or time, find support, and take action. Citizen climate action means a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Duluth!

Learn more and get involved with the Minnesota Bicycling Handbook.