St. Louis County Public Health Status Report

The St. Louis County Public Health Status Report was created based on the notion that everyone in the St. Louis county area should have the opportunity to make choices that allow them to live long healthy lives. This study used Life Expectancy and Mortality Rate as measures of health to look at the impact of zip code, education, income and the chronic stress of racism on the ability of residents in St. Louis County and in its largest city, Duluth.

Study findings showed that life expectancy decreased based on these factors. This led to a recommendation plan for creating a local and regional response. The vision for this is be to develop and implement a multi-year strategic plan for St. Louis County Government that would set measurable objectives to improve health as a function of each County department.

Increasing public transit access, safe bicycling routes, and walkable sidewalks provides opportunities for residents in these communities to walk and bike for transportation and recreation. Finding quality fresh food means either traveling significant distances or paying exorbitant prices. Increasing easy access to healthy foods at nearby grocery stores and schools is necessary for a rounded, nutritious diet essential for good health.

Engaging in a healthy, active lifestyle encourages Minnesotans to live sustainably. Examples include:

  • Active transportation (biking, walking, etc.) are carbon-friendly modes of transportation, that also lower risk of suffering a stroke, heart attack, being diagnosed with diabetes, and overall mortality.
  • Increasing healthy, fresh food intake decreases typical packaging waste and energy consumption, avoiding the processing, packaging, heating, and refrigeration that transporting food long distances entails, all of which consume energy and contributes to air pollution.

Get involved

Now that you’ve learned more, the best way to create change is by getting involved! Donate your money or time, find support, and take action. Citizen climate action means a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Duluth!

Learn more and get involved with the St. Louis County Public Health Status Report.